Exercise as a Lifeline: This Mom Shares How Movement Helped Her Become Cancer-Free

A cancer diagnosis does not only signal the beginning of a long physical battle among patients. It also affects the mental and emotional state of patients and their families, crippling their daily lives and making them feel that life will never get back to normal again.

But there are cancer patients whose mind and bodies empower them to turn things around. Take April Perreras, mom of two, who used exercise as an ally in her road to becoming cancer-free as an example. Now two years after her diagnosis, she remains to have No Evidence of Disease!

This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Mommy April shares that movement and exercise, when integrated into one’s routine, can be a life-saving habit. This is her story.

Exercise as a Lifeline: This Mom Shares How Movement Helped Her Become Cancer-Free

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Going Against the Grain: Why Homeschooling is our First Choice for our Firstborn

Our daughter is almost two years old, and we’re moving closer to her school age at a very fast rate. As teachers, my husband and I have been seriously studying our options for her schooling ever since I was pregnant. We know that sending her to big school is the much easier route and the status quo most especially here in the Philippines, but there’s a form of education on the rise that we strongly resonate with: homeschooling.

It appeals to us in more ways than one, and we believe it perfectly aligns with our life goals and family values.

Allow me to discuss that further.

Going Against the Grain: Why Homeschooling is our First Choice for our Firstborn
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How Soon Should Girls Be Taught About Menstrual Health?

Moms, do you remember how you felt when you got your first period?

If you have a daughter, you understand that having your menstruation for the first time can be scary. Add to this feeling the myths, misconceptions, and stigmas that surround menstruation here in the Philippines, and you get a girl who may feel confused and ashamed, too.

This is why menstruation is a topic that must be discussed among parents and their daughters. The question is, how early can you start having this discussion? Health professionals Dr. Anna Theresa Casantusan, Municipal Health Officer, and Dr. Mona Lademora, Pediatrician, shared pieces of information that can guide parents on their talk with their daughters about menstrual health.

How Soon Should Girls Be Taught About Menstrual Health?

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What Postpartum Moms Really Need You to Know

One of the most misunderstood times in a mom’s life is postpartum, or the period after she gives birth. Meeting her new self excites and disorients her at the same time, making her second guess her thoughts, feelings, and decisions the way she never did before. It’s no surprise the people around her have a tendency to misread her.

No one else can fully understand what she goes through during postpartum, except maybe for other moms. But this doesn’t mean she won’t try to explain how she feels. After all, she needs all the help she can get. So here are a few things postpartum moms really need you to know.

What Postpartum Moms Really Need You to Know

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